Natural lookout in Tarragona, Spain
Natural lookout in Tarragona, Spain Spain is a country with many contrasts. There you can find ancient ruins and incredible landscapes, as well as beautiful modern architecture. This is a natural lookout right next to the old monastery …

Patagonian raspberry farmlands in El Bolsón, Argentina
Patagonian raspberry farmlands in El Bolsón, Argentina This is an image of patagonian raspberry farmlands in El Bolsón, a picturesque city full of enchant in the province of Río Negro (Black River in English), in Argentina. This rustic …

The Sbowbirds in Flight – The Royal Canadian Air Force
The Snowbirds in Flight, producing aerodynamic shaped patterns on the blue sky of Ottawa, Canada. A few years ago I had the chance to watch and of course photograph this fantastic acrobatic flight demonstration by the Royal Canadian …